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The Redman Family Collection
(sorted by portfolio)


Lenn created over 200,000 pieces of art in his lifetime and his family discovered over 1,000 pieces in his personal collection at his home when he died. The collection is so vast that we've sorted it by the following portfolios;  fine art, animation art, caricature art, commercial art, illustration art, civil rights art, diversity & inclusion art as well as collectable images & artifacts.  The Redman family will continue to add images to the portfolios and make available limited edition reproductions and other items thru the Redman Artworks online store. The Collection is available for exhibition thru The Redman Family Foundation. Please contact us directly for details.

Fine Art & Abstract Portrait Portfolio
Animation Art Portfolio
Caricature Art Portfolio
Commercial Art Portfolio
Illustration Art Portfolio
Civil Rights Portfolio
Diversity & Inclusion Portfolio
(What Am I? Series)
Lenn's Artist Reference Library & other Artifacts Portfolio
Archival Television Footage 
Additional Video, Historical Pictures & Artifacts 
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